Sunday, March 27, 2011


Just talked to Paige.. talked about names.. they are thinking Zakary.. I'm more traditional.. so I would think Zachary.. but the k goes with Botnik so I see why they are thinking of that.. this baby would be nicknamed Zak.. which makes sense..  Boys named Zachary are called Zack.. which really makes no sense since there is no K in the name.. guess we will see what they choose.. Paige says she likes Finn.. nice name too.. Botnik is a Russian name.. so what about Valdamir or Boris??  Just kidding but it's fun to think of names for the little one.

Beautiful Sunday!

Sunday morning here.. it's cool but the sun is shining.. Looking forward to the day.. we have a few things planned.. have to sign our lease for the next year.. then are going to do some errands.. Bed, Bath and Beyond for some coffee and tea.. new wine glasses since they seem to break often.. also grocery shopping.. I love to have the guys go with me.. much less work and then they help me bring it all in and put away..

Saturday, March 26, 2011


BBot is coming in June.. I can't wait.. It's a boy and as far as I know there is no name yet.  I'm going to visit in a week.  There will be a baby shower and we will also try to work on the nursery.  My daughter will be working and I don't want to tire her out.. Will enlist my SIL to help me. 

My first post

I love to cook.. guess I learned it from my mother and sister.. I can't always eat what I cook but my husband and the one child still at home seem to appreciate it.. We have one son in college and he eats like there is no tomorrow when he is home for vacations.  I spend a lot of time looking at cooking blogs, finding recipes and then trying them out.. so much fun!!  I rarely cook the same thing twice.. I do have some "tried and trues" that come back.. but mostly I cook something different every day.